
Can Someone Catch Shingles From Someone Else?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No you can not catch shingles, the only way someone gets shingles is if they have already have had chicken pox. The virus lies dormant in the spine and something such as stress or low immunity triggers it and one gets shingles. During the contagious phase of shingles one can give the varicella virus (what causes chicken pox) to those who are not vaccinated or have not had chicken pox before.
Arsalan Maqbool Profile
Arsalan Maqbool answered
Shingles is an infectious disease so it is very possible to catch shingles from someone else specially if you had chicken pox before.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes if you haven't  got vaccinated, but you have to cover them if you have showing scabs,you might can catch it from them coughing and sneezing. I know this information because my doctor told me cause my aunt got it.

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