
Why Do Males Have Higher Blood Pressure Than Females?


3 Answers

Oscar De La Huerte Profile
There are many factors that can affect blood pressure, so it's difficult to say exactly why men tend to have higher blood pressure than women.

The most probable cause is lifestyle, however.

As I understand it, men are more likely than women to suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension) until the age of 45. After this, the difference evens out.

Why do men have higher blood pressure than women? Lifestyle is probably the biggest contributor to high blood pressure, and this is a strong theory for why men tend to be more at risk of suffering from it than women.

Men are more likely to have an unhealthy diet and drink more alcohol: Two leading causes of hypertension.

Why are males more likely to have BP problems? Men are more likely to suffer from conditions like hypertension because the intake of substances like sodium and alcohol have a direct impact on blood pressure, and men tend to indulge in both of these things more than women do.

Stress is another factor, and many men would argue that they have more stressful lives than women (although I know plenty of women who would disagree).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Generally males are heavier and thus have bigger hearts to circulate blood through the body. That is the main reason.
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Because we have to live with the females, which tends to raise your blood pressure!

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