How Much Of Your Liver Do You Need To Survive?


5 Answers

Ian John Profile
Ian John answered
Given that the liver has unique healing properties, all you need is a sufficient proportion of your liver for it to be able to re-grow and become full size again. The liver is an incredibly friable organ that has a huge blood supply, and thanks to this a healthy human liver can be cut in half and used for a live donation. The liver will then re-grow within just a few months. If the remaining tissue in the body is healthy then generally as much as two thirds of the liver can be removed from the body for the person to remain healthy and able to re-grow their liver to full size.

The liver is a vital organ that is found within vertebrates and select other animals in the world. It has a number of different functions, which include protein synthesis, production of biochemicals that are needed in digestion, as well as detoxification.

The liver is necessary for a human or animal to survive, and there is currently no way for medication and technology to compensate for the absence of the liver functions in the long term. However, liver dialysis can be used on the body for a relatively short period of time. It is not a long-term solution.

The liver plays a massive role in metabolism, too, and has a number of different functions in this area too. These include the decomposition of red blood cells, glycogen storage, plasma protein synthesis, detoxification and hormone production. The liver is found beneath the diaphragm within the abdominal-pelvic area of the abdomen. It produces bile, too, which is an alkaline compound that aids in digestion through the emulsification of lipids. It's an important organ and can be re-grown naturally, meaning the liver can actually be very small and remain keeping a person healthy.
patrick mc mullan Profile
The liver is a very friable organ with a rich blood supply. Because of this a healthy liver can be cut in half for a live donation and it will fully regrow within a few months. As harka says, if the remaining tissue is healthy ,then as much as two thirds can be removed and new liver tissue regenerated.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
At 85 if my liver is healthy,can I donate half of it to my daughter who at 57 needs a transplant

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