
What Kinds Of Illnesses And Diseases Affect Humans Who Live In Unhealthy Environments?


2 Answers

Samantha Mitchell Profile
The following illnesses and diseases can affect humans who live in unhealthy environments:

  • Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one that surprises most people that it is on the list. It is actually what comes from the beginnings of diarrhea that make it kill about 2.2 million people each year. Diarrhea comes from dysentery, cholera, bacteria and other host-type diseases.

Worms for example can cause diarrhea. It kills people in the world because it often goes untreated in unhealthy living conditions. Furthermore, it can kill because of dehydration. When water is the cause it also means they are increasing their problem by drinking and eating food using local water sources.

  • Whooping cough

Whooping cough is not a disease most developed countries hear about, but it is still highly prevalent in unhealthy environments killing 200,000 to 300,000 people each year. It is highly contagious and affects the respiratory tract. This means it can spread from one person to many very quickly; unless it is caught early and all patients receive treatment.

  • Aids / HIV

Aids / HIV is highly common in unhealthy environments because people are sharing needles and coming in close contact with infected individuals without taking proper precautions. It is a disease that affects the whole world and can happen to anyone anywhere, but it is more prevalent in third world countries.

  • Malaria

Malaria is spread through mosquitoes and kills roughly 1 to 5 million people each year. Water is where mosquitoes tend to live. They also like dirty water.

Though only 4 diseases and illnesses are listed, there are plenty of others in unhealthy environments that can affect humans to the point of killing them. Just about any disease that exists in the world can exist in unhealthy environments; making it possible for any illness or disease to kill a human.

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