If I've Been Diagnosed With MRSA, Will I Have It Forever. Also, Will I Be Forever Contagious?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
MRSA is abbreviation of Mithicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus.  It is resistant form of staph and difficult to treat. It cause infection on the skin but also system infections when inhaled. It is acquired from hospital and from the community. If it is treated completely then it can not re-occur until new exposure. So, this infection is not for ever and is not contagious for ever provided patient has taken complete treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Information provided by:  en.wikipedia.org 
MRSA (Meticillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) is difficult to treat and requires very strong antibiotics. It is spread by the touch. When treated properly it can be gotten rid of and will only come back if you are exposed to the virus again.

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