Does It Help To Apply Heat With Heating Pad On A Hernia?


1 Answers

Frances Bott Profile
Frances Bott answered
Probably, because if you apply heat to any part of the body the blood vessels dilate and the blood can flow more easily. The danger with a hernia is that the area that has been protruded through can become excessively tight and cut off the blood supply to the part that has protruded, and can cause necrosis.

To be sure, you should ask your doctor or care provider to answer this question so that you can be certain that you are doing the right thing.

• What is a hernia?
A hernia occurs when a weakened part of the abdominal muscles tear and an organ can push its way through. The most common hernias occur at the point where the legs join the abdomen; and umbilical hernias near the navel.

• Symptoms of a hernia
Someone with a hernia will probably have some discomfort or pain in the area. It is also likely that there will be a bulge or a lump underneath the skin like a pouch or a balloon.

• Treatment
There are two different treatments that are typically used to treat a hernia, and both involve surgery. This is a necessary procedure because a hernia will not heal itself, and instead could actually become strangled and cause some very severe health problems, including death.

The first procedure involves making a long incision over the hernia and either removing the protruding sac, or putting it back into place before repairing the torn muscle. A mesh may be applied to the area to give it extra strength.

The second procedure is colloquially termed keyhole surgery and necessitates two small incisions being made; one near to the hernia and the other in the abdomen. The surgeon will use tiny instruments to repair the hernia and the abdomen.

Both procedures take between one and two hours to complete.

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