List the major classifications of psychological disorders. Select one and discuss what types of treatment approaches are available for this disorder?


2 Answers

Jeannine Rose Profile
Jeannine Rose answered
ADHD is a physiological disorder with a behavioral component.  MRI studies of the brain comparing the brain activity of an ADHD vs a "normal" child showed various differences in the activity level of certain parts of the brain.  Stimulants seem to activate the less active parts of the brain which paradoxically actually "slow" the activity level down for the child...letting the child act in a more "normal" fashion...and letting them focus better on tasks-such as school work.  Unfortunately,  ADHD is diagnosed far too frequently and kids are put on meds simply because teachers or parents want "quiet" kids.  Some kids just have more energy and actually only need more to do physically then others. But, for those kids that are actually "out of control...wild"  - checking into a more medical reason is definitely a good thing.
Joe B. Profile
Joe B. answered
Is ADHD a psychological disorder?
I would suggest less anal retentive parents and more outlets for their energy.

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