I think I'm depressed how can I get back to being happy again?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I don't know a ton about depression but I think you should do things that you like to do. Maybe if you like to listen to music,  listen to music, or if you like to take walks do that. 

And I would suggest to do these activities by yourself because a large amount of people might overwhelm you at first. Well good luck and hope you feel better :)

Izzy SouthernGirl Profile

Depression can usually be caused of something that has been done badly in the past or things that go on in school. 

Sometimes it can be caused by loneliness or troubles at home. It can be beat though- you just gotta distract yourself get yourself to do something you've never done before.  Learn new thing. If it continues to feel worse I'd recommend maybe getting some professional help.

Zak Nash Profile
Zak Nash answered

1) Go Talk to your friends, have a support group and find someone to lean on. Always reach out when you are in despair, don't be a lone ranger.

2) Exercise - I used to have depression myself last time due to stress and works, exercising really helped me to think clearer.

3) Refrain yourself from Drinking Alcohol, it is just a short term relief. Replace with other meaningful things.

4) Sleep - it seems obvious but it aids in beating beat depression and it improves your mood.

5) Lastly, if everything does not work, ask for professional help.

Feel free to check out my Website for more info.

Marta Catalano Profile
Marta Catalano answered

Depression affects loads of people and it is quite common as well but first of all it is important to understand if it is really depression or something temporary. Depression is more than feeling upset or sad or apathetic. It is something that sinks into your daily life and obscures all the good things that are in it.

It makes life hard to live and consumes your energies and the relationships you have with yourself and people around you. But the good news is: You can get better and become happy again.

These are only some of the few steps you can take to beat depression:

  • First of all it's important to accept and recognize the fact that you need help. You might have friends and loved ones by your side but sometimes we need a more helpful and attentive care by someone who is professional. Therapy can be great and it can really help you to see things more clearly. Medications too might be helpful in more serious cases but I suggest you to try with therapy first and see how it goes. It can take time: months, even years to shake off the feeling... But it goes away. Try to seek a good counsellor or therapist because they're there to help.
  • Another important thing is to aknowledge the fact that it's all structured in your thoughts. It's the way you think that makes you feel this way. We tend to blame people or circumstances for the way we feel but it's only a matter of the way we think and react to things.
  • Try and focus your attention to the things that matter to you daily. Sometimes it's all dark and you cannot see anything you could possibly be happy about. But I swear that the smallest things are precisely the things to live for: A laugh, a hug, time spent with people you love, the fact that you have a house, legs to run with, food, education and so on.  
  • So, do things that make you happy or simply enjoy doing. Listen to music, read, go for a walk, spend some time with friends and nature. Try and exercise as well as this releases endorphins and helps you phisically and mentally too.

  • Surround yourself with people who are positive and who know you, respect you, and can bring the best out of you. Get away from people who are negative because it can turn into a vicious cycle. Also shake away bad habits, take a break from social networks and get out to breathe some good air and enjoy true relationships.

Life can be hard at times, but it's totally worth living it and those moments teach us a lot about ourselves and make us grow. Seek help and  have trust upon the fact that you can be happy again!

Best of luck! ( Feel free to send any message if you need to talk more about it.)

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