
How Can You Tell If You Have Lead Poisoning?


1 Answers

Rachel Sharp Profile
Rachel Sharp answered
Lead poisoning is detected through a blood test. Levels of lead in the blood are measured in micrograms per decilitre (mcg/dL). Lead levels should not be 10 mcg/dL or higher.

Lead poisoning most often occurs due to exposure from old household paint containing lead - although there are various other sources. These include lead pipes, some types of ceramics and dust from work or hobbies that use lead. It is worth checking to see if anything in your environment could be a cause.

Many houses in the United States that were built prior to World War II used paint which contained lead. It is hazardous, particularly to young children, whose small bodies are more affected. One source said that more than one in 25 children have elevated lead levels in their blood.

Adults and children may exhibit different symptoms as a result of lead poisoning. Some of the possible symptoms in children are: irritability; loss of appetite; weight loss; sluggishness; stomach pain; constipation; vomiting; constipation and a pale appearance from anaemia. Again, lead poisoning is especially concerning for children; because of their lower body weight, lead can have more of an impact on their overall health.

The signs and symptoms of lead poisoning in adults may include:pain, numbness or tingling of the extremities; stomach pain; loss of memory; headache; reproductive impairment in men; and muscle weakness.

If you are concerned that you have lead poisoning, the only way to tell for sure is to see a doctor. A simple blood test can tell you whether there is reason for concern and if necessary, suggest possible treatment.

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