
What Would Cause Bright Green Vomit, If She Did Not Eat Anything Green?


5 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
Bright green vomit will most probably be caused by bile that should be in your stomach processing your food.

  • What is bile?
Bile is produced by the liver and is acidic. It is in our stomachs to break down the food that we eat so that it can pass through into our intestines to be processed and the vitamins and minerals extracted.

  • Vomiting bile
If you are vomiting up this bile, it means that you either have nothing in your stomach apart from bile, or that your liver is producing too much bile and this is your stomachs way of getting rid of it. Either way, vomiting green bile is not ideal and can become a serious health matter; you should get yourself to a doctor or hospital as soon as possible.

  • Medical advice
The problem will usually be a medical issue with a gastric part of the body and may be very simple to diagnose once you are seen by a doctor but it is best to be careful and get this checked out before it turns into something a lot more serious.

When you do visit a doctor, you will need to give them some background on this situation and how it has evolved and come to be as bad as it is. You should try to remember;

  • The last time you ate anything
  • What was the last thing you ate
  • What have you drank in the last 24 hours
  • Have you ever had any issues like this before
  • How much vomit has there been
These are all things that will help to explain to the doctor the severity of the problem and also anything that could have triggered it.
Reno Greer Profile
Reno Greer answered
It could be bile from the liver.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bile from the liver silly

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