
Sclerosis Of The Spine What Is It?


4 Answers

Ebony Nash Profile
Ebony Nash answered
It’s a medical condition in which the tissues and of the body become stiff and hard; it involves twisting of the spine at the middle and at the lower end.

The most common type is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which is caused due to damage of various parts of nervous system. It was first detected in a spine in 1988 using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MS of the spine is often accompanied with brain lesions. Around 90 per cent of MS patients face disorder in the spinal cord.

Other types of sclerosis include systemic sclerosis which is rare and causes thickening of tissues, tuberous sclerosis which is also rare and causes tumors in some organs and  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which is a neurological disorder affecting nerves controlling voluntary muscle movement.

What causes sclerosis of the spine? Family genetics and heredity are known for influencing the development of it. It’s a diseas that cannot be prevented, even if you know the medical history of the family. Congenital defects can also be one of the reasons for sclerosis of the spine.

The symptoms are a reduced capacity of the lungs, increased pressure on the heart and a weakening for physical activities. Others include development of uneven muscle on one side of the spine, slow nerve response, uneven leg and hip length.

The severity of the disorder and the stage at which the disease is diagnosed determines the kind of treatment that can be recommended. Physiotherapy can be performed and bracing used; involving fitting a device over the torso, sometimes extended up to the neck for support. The final option is surgery to stop the progression of the curve in the spine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It means your spine is curved.  Depending on your age/gender how much it will affect you.  Limits your ability to lift things, better to push&pull than lift.  Can lead to slumped shoulders and a hunchback......can also lead to, just having a slightly weak back.  Doctors can treat easily in younger people.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is "mild sclerosis on the sacroiliac joints" of spine (L5/S1), the start of multiple sclerosis? I am 57 y.o. And had "achy symptoms for years. The more exercise I did, the better I felt. Now xray shows the above test result and I'm worried about my future.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sclerosis of the spine is not curving it is hardening. You confused it with scoliosis.

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