
My Eyes Always Seem To Be Really Tired Lately And They Are Stopping Me From Working As Well As I Could Do. I Am On A Computer Most Of The Time And I Cannot Concentrate Due To My Tired Eyes. Is There Anything I Can Do To Wake Myself Up?


5 Answers

Aimee Rogers Profile
Aimee Rogers answered
If you are getting plenty of sleep then the problem is that you are spending too much time staring at your computer screen and that is why your eyes are becoming tired all the time. It is important to have regular screen breaks at least every hour. If you cannot get up and away from your computer every hour, at least try and look away from the screen for two minutes before carrying on with any work. This will give the eyes a break for a little while and therefore they will not be as tired.

There is also a little exercise you could try which includes holding a finger up close to your eye, then slowly pulling it away from you as you focus on it. After your finger has got a little distance away from the face, focus your attention on something which is at least eight feet away from you. Repeat this on the other eye and you should find that your eyes feel a little more awake.

Overall it is important to rest the eyes regularly whilst on a computer; otherwise you could end up with several health problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My eyes look dull and tired it does'nt stop me from doing anything will make up help or home made remedies  I am a young looking 59
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your eyes may be dry, try buying lubricant from the chemist it may help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What is the reason for my eyes feeling really tired since yesterday,its been running water and this morning I woke up with swollen eyes looking semi red like am so drained, I have been studying all hours of the night for the past week for an exam so am wondering if lack of sleep is causing that and strain or over work from my eyes cause its hurting, got a pounding headache on top of that.

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