There is a picture that’s circulating around the Internet of the Blue Waffle, a thoroughly unpleasant condition that appears to emulate some form of STD. However, according to researchers, these images have actually been created on the popular software package Photoshop. Then, they were distributed throughout the Internet in order to provide a shock response.
If you are concerned about certain sexually-transmitted diseases, the best thing to do is to ask for some advice from a sexual health specialist. They will be able to alert you to the different risks that you face if you aren’t sensible. Although some uncomfortable diseases can be prevented through using condoms and other forms of contraception, skin-to-skin contact can be just enough for other contagious conditions to become an issue.
If you aren’t familiar with the language that’s used on the street these days, ‘waffle’ is a colloquial term used to describe the vagina in most cases. It isn’t very pleasant, and these doctored images originally appeared on pornographic users in order to gain a bit of publicity and sensationalism, drawing users in for some extra hits.
Just because Blue Waffle has made light of serious STDs, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be careful when having intercourse with others. The ramifications can be uncomfortable, and in other cases can last for a lifetime. Examples include the extremely serious condition HIV/AIDS, which can destroy your immune system and result in you having to be on medication for the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to ask a potential sexual partner about their history before getting involved.
If you are concerned about certain sexually-transmitted diseases, the best thing to do is to ask for some advice from a sexual health specialist. They will be able to alert you to the different risks that you face if you aren’t sensible. Although some uncomfortable diseases can be prevented through using condoms and other forms of contraception, skin-to-skin contact can be just enough for other contagious conditions to become an issue.
If you aren’t familiar with the language that’s used on the street these days, ‘waffle’ is a colloquial term used to describe the vagina in most cases. It isn’t very pleasant, and these doctored images originally appeared on pornographic users in order to gain a bit of publicity and sensationalism, drawing users in for some extra hits.
Just because Blue Waffle has made light of serious STDs, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be careful when having intercourse with others. The ramifications can be uncomfortable, and in other cases can last for a lifetime. Examples include the extremely serious condition HIV/AIDS, which can destroy your immune system and result in you having to be on medication for the rest of your life. Don’t be afraid to ask a potential sexual partner about their history before getting involved.