It means bad news and you should be careful to consult medical experts right away. Dark vomit is most likely a mix of digested blood and gastric contents. The blood mixes with the enzymes in the stomach turning it very dark in colour. It could also be from bleeding in the intestinal tract or the upper alimentary canal. This is a symptom of many different conditions - yellow fever, ulcer, throat cancer, H. Pylori etc. And in all these cases, it's best to consult a doctor right away. The doctor will probably want to do an endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the other symptoms - do you have nausea, for example? Black Vomit rarely occurs in isolation so you’ll get more clues by considering all of them together.
Sometimes people call it coffee grounds vomit because of the dark colour.
Black vomit is occasionally caused by something you’ve eaten. Medical forums describe Pepto Bismol turning black as it travels within the body. Some forums mention herbal remedies can cause complications especially for people with gastric problems.
On a slightly happier note, there are other meanings behind black vomit. It’s a type of fruit and type of music. The black vomit nut, used as a purgative, is a golf ball sized fruit. Inside this nut are three seeds that contain oil useful to make biodiesel. It’s also called Barbados nut or physic nut. Black Vomit records is a Greek record company dealing in black metal type of music - Black Vomit appears to be a very common title for music in the Gothic Metal genre.
Black vomit can sometimes be an old ulcer which bursts to form dry blood your digestive system cannot digest the blood so therefore brings it up as vomit if you vomit black or known someone who is seek medical attention soon !
Black vomit is caused by blood in the stomach. This is usually from an ulcer or similar and the black colour is caused by the reaction of the stomach acid on the iron in haemoglobin in red blood cells. For all nutritional therapy advice
That doesn't sound very good. Could be internal bleeding or it could be something you ate. Try to remember if you ate anything dark that would match the color. If not, get your butt to the hospital!
Hey, I have had gastric banding surgery and I am having lots of trouble with how much I can eat and drink but now I notice if I vomit at any time even if I have just drank a bit of water it is all black and tastes terrible. I think maybe my band has moved but what dose the black vomit mean????
Black vomit can be a sign of bleeding in the digestive system. When blood is digested it turns black. Black vomit usually means bleeding in the stomach and a black stool can mean blood in the intestine.
Here are the most effective ways how to stop vomiting, you can get the more home remedies for vomiting, instantly!
Black vomit has two definitions. Black vomit can be a vomit which is dark and consists of digested blood along with gastric contents. A black vomit is a symptom for severe 'yellow fever'. This symptomatic black vomit is also called yellow jack or vomito Negro or American Plague. Yellow Fever, an acute viral disease gives rise to hemorrhagic conditions. Some patients are affected by Jaundice and hence, the name yellow fever. It has been a cause of many devastating epidemics.
This fever is caused by the mosquito species of Aedes simpsoni, Aedes africanus and Aedes aegypti. Haemagogus and Sabethes are other genera of mosquitos that transmit this disease from forest monkeys to human beings and further transmission. After incubation, symptoms like fever, headache and improper functioning of liver, kidneys, heart are seen. One such symptom is black vomit which is caused due to haemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract.