I think getting hurt by someone is one of my fears, Flying in plane is another fear of mine, High places is another fear.
Heights, without a doubt is my number one fear along with spiders and snakes yuk lol......
those big cockroaches, i have such a big fear that i have to check my bed before i sleep and check my bathroom before i use it, i would barely be able to sleep from my fear :(
My biggest fear is height.
It's the middle of the night & I wake up and I hear the shallow intermittent breathing of my husband beside me and grow afraid that his not using his C-Pap will worsen his high blood pressure. So I count the seconds between breaths and when I get to 11 I say aloud, "Breathe!" See, I'm very afraid of what his not using his breathing device will do to him, now 70 years old. The snoring I can live with fine, but he has clogged or damaged nasal passages or something and finds the c-pap he was issued years ago uncomfortable so he refuses to use it. He gets tired during the day a lot and snoozes sitting up, in spite of being quite active especially working, working, working outdoors. He brushes it off as though it's no problem.
Losing the people I love