Why do I keep worrying on how I look ? I mean my mom's friends say I'm a pretty girl but I just feel self conscious looking in the mirror checking my hair my face my body. Why do I do this to myself?


2 Answers

Catherine Howard Profile

Girls and woman in our society are pressured into being hypersensitive about their appearances.  I cannot tell you how many woman I've seen in my lifetime use everything from glass windows to restroom mirrors to tidy up while on the go.  So, you are far from abnormal.

Remember that looks are only what's on the outside.  Sure, they are a way of expressing yourself; but when it comes right down to it the kind of person you are, your intellect will actually be what keeps people around you.

So, enjoy those pretty looks.  Usually people like your parents' friends usually mean what they say.  Realize that you are one of a kind no one else looks like you (unless you have an identical twin and even then it's not a perfect match) and no one else has your personally and intellect. 

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Caring about how we look is not bad, it's great that we control & keep ourselves sharp & clean. But it becomes bad when it turn into an "obsession" unfortunately so many girls today makes it an obsession, it's effect of so many things, first of all it's girl's instinct to be more super sensitive about their appearance, the other's statements & some other factors makes this sensitivity stronger which becomes bothering but they can't stop it either. People has different definition about beauty,  in my world ugly doesn't exist, means everything & everyone are beautiful, i never mean to tell everyone beautiful to not break their heart or something i really see everyone beautiful & you're beautiful too & i know it without seeing you, but you know why i say that ? Because you are a human being & have your own unique style. Nobody has the face you have so it's special, you have your own era because your DNA is different than everyone else,  nobody has your hair type, eyes & your whole face's details & body shape,  so you need to love yourself, be comfortable with yourself & enjoy the way you look,  you need to appreciate it,accept it , enjoy it & take the best out of it. & also ignore what people say, you can't shut people's mouth, they like to talk , judge & say blah blah blah, you live for yourself , be your own lady & enjoy life & how you look. Plus, an ugly personality destroy a pretty face.

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