Well theirs one person who hoards moonshine you find her house you find lots of shine
No, I don't think so. I couldn't stand being around their stuff with no where to walk. Just piles and piles of stuff everywhere.
Nope, not a chance.
No, I can't say that I would. So much filth, mouse, rat poo, dog cat poo, human poo......insects that carry disease, mold of all sorts.....I get exposed to enough every day at work....no thanks to that type of exposure on my day off!
Yeah ! I would just use this and keep my distance !
Not unless it was someone I truly cared about and hopefully I would have gotten them help before it got that bad. As it is I dread going through my mother-in-law's stuff when she passes. I have been trying to get her to downsize for years and she keeps picking up more stuff. I won't even tell her when I clean out my excess stuff, because she always wants to go through it.