So sorry for your loss. Really, no one knows "why" someone commits suicide except that person doing it. Sometimes a note is left explaining the "reasoning" behind it....well at least the way that person views things. The fact that he had children and a wife and a business makes no difference. At least it didn't to my mom. So his reasoning, however skewed other may think it is, was his own.
One of my friends hung himself last weekend, no questions asked, nothing. Had his own business, father of 3, beautiful wife, always smiling, still relatively young, good health. Noone can explain it. What are your thoughts?
In his mind, it could have been the only way out of a situation or he was just tired of his life, had money problems, personal relationship problems, mental problems, etc. Only HE knows why, others can only speculate. It's a terrible thing to do to the survivors.
Had he started any new types of medications?
I have had 2 friends that had to be on 48 hour suicide watch after starting to wean off Chantix . . . All knives and guns removed from the house as well . . .
There are a lot of new pharmaceuticals out on the market now that effect the part of your brain regarding depression and effects filters that would normally temper thoughts with rational reasoning . . .
People who threaten to commit suicide or who actually do it have mental health issues. We can't apply logic to their choices. They probably feel overwhelmed and hopeless for reasons we can't understand and see no other way out than taking their own lives. It's very sad.
I am very sorry for your loss. Death is a very painful enemy but it hurts even more when someone chooses to end their life. In this world, many people have internal struggles that no one knows about but them. Things are not always as they appear, the person may smile and have reasons to be happy and still be unhappy. Daily living in combination with personal troubles is more than some can handle. It might not be something you can ever understand, but you can continue to be a friend in times of distress for your friend's family.
You are a unrepeatable experiment.
A miracle in the making. Take the time,
to look around you at not only all of the
people but all the life. Now there is a miracle.
My condolences for you here. After years of experience in dealing with people, your friend his suicidal depression from everyone and no one may never know why whether he had problems at work or private life. By not showing his depression, there is no way , not even me, will ever recognize there is a problem and usually are the ones who will commit suicide, unlike those who brag about it and never do. I have several ideas here but wont speculate since I didn't know your friend. As in any suicide, the ones hurt most are all those they leave behind as they have to live with this and the unknowns but all you can do now is be there for the Family and remember the good times as this will eventually pass with time
He hanged himself because he was suffering from depression, he did a good job hiding it but self preservation is our strongest instinct so when someone kills themselves it means that something has gone terribly wrong with their brain chemistry.
It was nobody's fault, unless he had shown signs that he had a problem then it would have been impossible to know what he was planning and I do believe he probably planned it some time ahead. There is still a stigma attached to any kind of mental problem so he most likely was ashamed of the way he felt.
My condolences to his family and friends. This is such a terrible tragedy.
I am so sorry for your loss. Everyone has very heartfelt answers and they are beautiful words for you. I would like to add this......
With every loss, every grieving, I have learned that once you stop asking the "would've, could've and should've's," stop asking the "what if's" and especially when you stop asking the "why's," it is then that the healing can begin and the pain can ease and peace will come. Hang in there my friend.