I've only had 8 hours of sleep in the past 4 days?


1 Answers

SuperFly Original Profile

I know you mentioned adderall, how did you start taking amphetamines? Was it prescribed for ADHD. If you don't mind me asking. Its a powerful drug so its certainly relevant! Im sure you know can affect you depending on your chemistry differently.

Adding details for you: 

"So, I've been awake since 7am Wednesday, drunk 2 monsters as I do usually and worked my morning shift, got a little les than a hour of sleep and did a over night shift and took my aderal and 2 more monsters. Then repeated the opening shift getting only 2 hours of sleep and one monster, an doing another overnight taking another aderal and drinking 2 monsters. Now it is Friday morning and I did my morning shift with one monster, 2 hours of sleep and another monster, about to start my night shift with an aderal and 2 monsters. And then I will not be getting any sleep I between and drinking around 2 monsters and one aderal for a full 13 hour shift. I honestly feel great and don't feel sleep deprived at all. But this has to be killing my body! I have no other choice, other than working the shifts and drinking my caffeine and taking aderal.""

Do you have any ideas as to why you think you're not sleeping? Im not doc but I personally would not mix the 2 stimulants. You said it yourself, adderall is a powerful stimulant. Adding caffeine seems unwise. 

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SuperFly Original
That can happen, over sleeping can make me lazy and tired the entire day. Its gonna be tricky but you probably need to get on some sort of reasonable track so your body is all shocked and stuff. But I don't know if its right to end your meds without doctors consent. But im willing to bet its just as dangerous to continue when what your taking is amphetamines. I just don't want to advise you anything and find out you got affected negatively. Glad to hear you slept though
SuperFly Original
Oversleeping can
Jeana Stapleton
Jeana Stapleton commented
Yeah, definitely!! Having the the thoughts and fear of "will I have a heart attack and die today." Aren't a very good experience. Not that I was having any signs or cramps. But having such an enormous amount of caffeine over load, and being tired (although not feeling tired), isn't good at all. And I should have been exhausted! Which is a pretty big red flag. Seeing people who worked almost the same amount and same shift hours as me, looked like they were about to kill over. And they got sleep! So my body was certainly exhausted, even if I wasn't experiencing it. And yeah, I'm definitely going to have to talk to my doctor about it. I was before and he said it was usual smytoms for people that take my Meds. But I'm no longer willing to go through it, so I'm gonna have to tell him I'm done. And take something else, or something. But thanks a lot! You kept me sane!

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