I have no friends to talk to and it's really becoming depressing, what can I do?


6 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Have you used any of the GREAT advice you have been given?

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Organize your life, put yourself together, be confidential, involve in communities, groups and activities, set up different plans for outdoors, involve in public places, and volunteer on charities and teamwork organizations or humanitarian types.

Follow it up with things you like and anything that you're interested, this way you can spend quality time doing something fun as you like and meeting new people related to your favorite topics, small talks, conversations, discussions and many socialization which leads to great moments and finding good friends.

You can rely on people in here as well, so many members here are good listeners as well as good buddies !! :)

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Always know that once you become a part of this community (and you have ) that you always have friends here ! One of the great things about the private messaging set-up. Feel free at any time to talk to any one of us as there are many super nice people here. Relax and enjoy yourself. It's good for you.

7 People thanked the writer.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
I like your answer, Mr.JohnW...from Ask, I ended up thinking that is one wonderful purpose the Internet can serve, you can make such unconditional friendships at your own pace and not even need the courage to get up get dressed and leave the security of your home...
I thought more than once that Ask.com probably saved some lives...so tenderly...
John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I'd like to consider you my friend! You are a welcome part of this community May...lots of nice people here for you to engage with!

EBBe lau Profile
EBBe lau answered

Well I'm sorry to hear that.

But the problem might as well just be what you're doing! What do you do in your free time? Do you do team activities after school and on weekends? Or do you sit on the couch?

What about at school? Do you like to communicate or are you shy?

I felt the same way you do now when I was younger, because I was shy. I learned to speak up and show people my talents and I made so many new friends!!!

Good luck and I let us know if any of the answers on here helped :)

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