What is an unpopular opinion that you have?


18 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Humans should get along without killing each other.

Israel should move to another area and stop fighting Palestine. More than enough people have died of a small piece of land. 

Everyone  SHOULD treat each other with respect and dignity. 

All health care should be free. 

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

That root beer is nasty! The smell alone is nasty!

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Barb Cala
Barb Cala commented
I grew up loving Dog'nSuds root beer! It can be an acquired taste .. and has to be served ice cold to taste good.
SuperFly Original
Yeah just like bovril. that was something Id never have considered liking.
Mickey Po
Mickey Po commented
I recently found out that Japanese people don't like root beer. :(
I love root beer, especially AW root beer after the bubbles have settled out.
But I don't like ketchup, milk (animal), pickles, and I'm not a fan of dr. pepper.
I used to not like onions or coffee, but now I love them!
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Cats are aliens from another planet, here to enslave the humans.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

There are so many, but a random smattering of my unpolished opinion:

-Julia Roberts wasn't that hot.

-"Transformers" movies all stunk.

-All deity-based religions are false.

-The death penalty should remain in our law.

-Global warming is real, increasing, and worsened by man's activities.

-Philly Cheesesteaks are no better in Philadelphia than anywhere else.

Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

-Americans take too many prescription medications. Your answer is not always at the bottom of a pill bottle. 

-There's no such thing as the "one true religion".

-Coffee and wine are overrated.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Nina Varganov,

Well I love to explore philosophy of life which of course encroaches on religion v. atheism...where I am an equal-opportunity offender, managing to irritate everybody...

I actually discovered this on the old Ask.com...I was atheist for 30 years and believed atheism was something of a "higher ground"...

* * *

Ha ha that was funny because I soon learned atheists can be more dogmatic fundamentalist than anybody!

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@John McCann

Your comment about having taken the "required" 9 hours of humanities says much more about the quality of your thinking process than any of the comments that I make about them---I thank you for that.

A masters in biology makes you a a qualified technician in that field. No doubt you know more about biology than me, but you could have improved your answer when you responded to that question about the buzzard. I am equally qualified in theoretical physics. I have formally studied numerous other areas, and I have additional qualifications, but I am not inclined to the "mine is bigger than yours" exchange. Besides, while size is important, knowing how to use it is much more valuable---surely you understand that distinction.

I see this exchange devolving into a similar one that I used to engage in---been here, done that and it took much energy for me to again bother with that sort of thing at the moment.
John McCann
John McCann commented
I understand you are proposing a distinction without a difference.

Theoretical physics?!?

Trying to fool me or yourself? Many problems in the science section go a begging because my physics is light in nature. I have yet to see you answer one science question above the grade school level in the science section> So, dream on.

The only buzzard I see here is you, swooping in anytime delusion needs shoring up and magic man needs a helping hand.

Goodbye, until next time.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@John McCann

John, you have begun to bore me.

Feel free to spin that statement any way that suits you.

I will not further engage you except to point out errors in your answers or posts that you initiate.
John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

That social science is an incoherent mess.

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

-People are mainly fat because they eat too many calories and spend too little energy.

-"Healthy foods" won't make you any skinnier than eating the same amount of Pizza in terms of calories.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

President Obama is a liberal idiot.

Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar.

Donald Trump isn't the racist bigot the media claims him to be.

Political Correctness is useless.

There is a God.

PC is the Master Race. (Gaming)

That about covers it, my friends. Have a nice evening/night.

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

if u dont beleive oil companies are creating cancer with all their waste and pollution come to houston u will see neighborhoods where everyone died of some kind of cancer

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Americans got way too spoiled by so much freedom and high quality lifestyle and products. Even lower qualities in U.S level is higher than many countries on this planet.

High profile life, great education system, great financial balances, great economy, great science, best technologies, great investments, opportunity and freedom. A progressive country which year by year progressing ahead of everyone else with many endless rights.

There's ups and downs, cons and pros, disaster and problems for each major and course . There's always ups and downs and everyone having their own proposals to fix them to the greater good (as we must contribute together to help our country forward) but majority of Americans mostly just complain more than appreciation which pisses me off. Specially about taxes.

Also when it comes to political, some Americans start to insult each other just because each one of them having different favorites in candidates, they forget everyone wants the same thing, the best for our country.

Darik Majoren Profile
Darik Majoren answered

America was founded on Terrorist attacks on the British and the destruction of the Native American's to steal a land that the Native Americans were willing to share.

Religion Promotes terrorist attacks and the murder of non-believers all with the justification of whatever God it is that particular person worships. This goes for Islamic suicide bombers in as much as it goes for Christian's that bomb abortion clinics. It is the mainstreamers that keep the radical and fanatical alive and well in ANY religion.

Mr. Trump is in the race to ENSURE Hillary wins it . . . No other reason, just placing who he wants in office using his money, and the Debt to him will be on Hillary's shoulders from the time she walks into the office.

We NEED an Atheist President . . Male, Female, Black, Native American, Hispanic, Asian or White, makes no difference.

Our Government was founded as a Secular Government and not as a religious one.

ANY Television show that uses "Cliff Hangers" to keep viewers watching through the next commercial will INSTANTLY lose me as a viewer.

ANY church that has any accusations of pedophilia needs to instantly be shut down and placed under investigation, they are not exempt from the state taking action if they are accused of preying on children and they WILL NOT be allowed to settle it "In House".

Intelligent Design is NOT part of any science and should not be allowed in the ANY school under SCIENCE. Even Christian schools. It can be taught as part of religious beliefs in a separate class.

There is/are no God/Gods

Well that about covers it, let the hate mail commence . . . No hitting below the belt, and be gentle . . . .

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Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Sadly "Z" I wish I had added the part about slavery, not sure why it had slipped my mind.
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
Dear DarkM,
I am still absorbing the possibility that Trump may actually be attempting to secure the election for Hillary...have not even been sure he is capable of such strategy!
Abraham Lincoln may have been atheist or at least agnostic; he was accused of atheism, and was certainly not religious in any conventional sense...however you did not admit such things in 1860, of course...

Did you see there was a Gallup poll in 2015, 58% of Americans say they would not hesitate to vote for a president who was atheist?
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
mary adam Profile
mary adam answered

There are two selves, our true natural born self, and our corporate paper self (legal entity) which we unknowingly identify with which keeps us imprisoned to "the system."

Income taxes are not "lawful" so they do not have to be paid. Income taxes come under legal statute, not lawful. They are paid as a result of our compliance to the system which we do without question. If you don't believe this write to your government and ask them to provide a copy of the law that says you are lawfully required to pay income tax.

You have the real world that comes out of being born, then you have the paperworld, a game of monopoly, the one that comes out of the square, ie The City Of London, the temple bar, the "Green Mile," the banking and "legal" capital of the world, which is a Corporation.  This is Washington DC in the US. Hence when we die we are called corpses, our corporate self dies with us.

People= person= persona= mask.

Civilian/Pleb/Slave. (debt slaves). Money is an illusion it does not exist, what it produces is labour by the sheeple who think the corporate world is the real world.



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