My mom. Terrible woman and disastrous, disappointing and shameful advice advice 😔. I tried for 30 years, then moved 900 miles away, didn't see her for 29 years. We both were extremely overjoyed and happy. She haven't changed, but I didn't care. She moved onto R.I.P.Â
Some people you just can not please,
Others just can not please you....
So you don't go through life trying to please others
and you don't go through life only pleasing yourself.
So whats a person to do?
Don't be a "people pleaser" cuz you will never succeed but do respect people and you will see, you will be pleased.
Dear Zack,
There is a fascinating (to me, anyway) book on that topic, Alice Miller wrote it, THE DRAMA OF THE GIFTED CHILD...the idea that we all spend our childhood trying to please someone or other, futility, ending up a gifted talented people-pleasing mess with no life of our own, then passing all this dysfunction on to the next generation.
I read that book till it fell apart...helped me a lot.
Oh yeah, but I was quite young. The most notable were my in-laws. Nice people but bossy. We learned very quickly that we wouldn't get their approval no matter what we did so we just did things our way and let the flak fall where it may.
That was the perfect solution for us and we learned not to be too concerned about what other people think.
There is very little pleasing my mother-in-law. The first few years of my marriage I went out of my way to try to please her. After my husband got a job out of state, and we got some distance from her I could see her for what she was and quit trying so hard. The last straw was when she tried to give me marriage advice about 10 years ago. The woman had four failed marriages, that even when you totaled them together it didn't add up to the amount of time I had been married at that point.