guys I'm really sad because someone said some really offensive, mean and inappropriate to me also the fact that i missed out on a once in a life time thing. Please cheer me up because what that person said to me really affected me. :(?
Do you really want to let someone have that much power over you? People aren't always going to be nice to you. You can consider the source of that and just move on with your life. It's just a part of life that we all have to deal with. You're not alone.
Are you sure you have missed out on the once in a lifetime opportunity? Gather your thoughts, see it from a different angle. Can you find another way to approach that deal? Was it really for you? Capitalize on another deal.
Your joy is in your hands.
Don't sweat it ... And don't under estimate your own potential.
Although we all make mistakes and miss opportunities .. And experience the same regret, you have to understand something about life in general. Sometimes, believe it or not, it's for the better as long as we learn from our mistakes.
I don't know what your missed opportunity was, but, I can assure you you will have others, far more fulfilling. It may not seem like it right now because you are mourning a loss (so to speak) and have been kicked in the gut (even if only verbally) by someone who is not supportive, symathetic nor empathic towards you. THAT is their problem not yours. What they have said reflects negatively on them .. Not you.
Be patient .. Everything happens for a reason. It may just take some time before you get to realize what that reason is.
You are entitled to your feelings no matter what feelings they are..... Because they are FEELINGS. Now actions are another thing. When your feelings turn towards revenge or suicidal thoughts or destructive behaviors then it is time to seek some professional help. When you have been this hurt, you need to feel through it. You will get there. Hang in there my friend. :0)
P.s. I am sorry you are hurting right now.
You must work on yourself. You should build yourself up and don't let others influence you like this. You are empowered by your unique creature of mind and body, you have to embrace yourself and capture the positiveness instead of negativity of people who purposed to put you down. This is part of our life. There's always going to be people who bother us. People will be there to rate you, try to break you and point fingers at you. You have to be strong and be entitled to who you are, be confidential and assured of yourself. Right now, you giving them what they really want . To distract you, take you down and make you feel vulnerable, you gifted them the victory. But if you feel content about how fast their big mouth spread nonsense out and ignore their empty minds, you'll make them suffer. You always must carry yourself forward and improve yourself continuously through an unbreakable character. Believe, trust and have faith in yourself and don't let unqualified people distract you from life's journey. Right now, pull yourself together and stop thinking about those nonsense. You are better than them by anyway. If they had something good to offer, they wouldn't try to put someone else down. But you are strong and will handle it. Keep focus on important factors and improve your life to the next level. As you progress, they getting their harsh answer of who you really are. You will grow as they wasted their whole life to put others down. But you will grow and won't waste your own life over what they wished to achieve.
Anyone who is cruel and says offensive things are telling you more about themselves than anyone else. They are scared and insecure and take it on people they think they can control. What they usually say about others is the thing they don't like about themselves. Don't let them get you down. You should actually pity them.
Now if for the cheer up part, this always makes me smile, but I am bias about the pup.
We can't change the past, only the future. Just make yours the best you can, and forget what hateful people have said. I'll be expecting great things for you!
Dear Jet Lemm,
Although I do listen carefully to criticism, here is something I have learned over the years:
What people say to me, tells more about THEM than it does about me.
Ask yourself . . . "what weight of influence does this person have on my life?"
In the grand scheme of things (YOUR LIFE), how much what this person says should I even consider to be important or meaningful. Think this through (Works for people being bullied as well). The impact of negative things that a person can say to you, depends entirely on how you view this person . . . Obviously if they are a mentor it has devastation impact . . . If they are a stranger . . It should have NONE . . . The range in between is up to you.
86 it and move on
Unfortunately we live in very cruel world and to make you happy would only be a Band-Aid at best and wont last as long as the words that offended you. You sound young here and this may have been the first time you faced this and wont be the last. People will be cruel and the worst are our peers. Did this person have the right to tell you this and in the way they did? Of course not but people will be people so best advice here is to learn to block some people out and grow some thick skin as this will always happen more often than not and its actually life. Once yopu find a way to block out people, the better youll be for future run ins in life in the future and how you react now will one day mold you into what you become as an Adult. So let it die now and move on as you cant undo whats been done and learn from this what you can. Good luck