I relieved some fear of public speaking by repeatedly telling myself it was no big deal until I believed it. It doesn't hurt to be fully prepared and know your presentation inside and out either. Also, the more public speaking you do, the easier it'll become. Good luck!
Just tell yourself that nobody cares if you mess up. They might laugh because it's funny, but when you go back to school the next day, no one will remember it.
Be confident, even if people do laugh or talk during your presentation, continue like nothing happened, chances are, it's not at you unless you make a joke.
Hide your emotions. You're an actor while you're up there, playing a part. Don't let anyone know what you're thinking, except that you're right and they're wrong.
Open with a joke
Know your material
Don't read to the audience ... Remember, they could read it as well
Keep notes, in case you lose your train of thought ... But again, don't just read from the notes.
Visual aides keep the audience interested