Robin Burden answered
If your boyfriend is able to orgasm (or 'come') but no visible semen is coming out of his penis, then it is most likely that he is suffering from a condition called retrograde ejaculation.
Why doesn't any sperm come out?
Retrograde ejaculation (also known as 'dry orgasm') is a dysfunction where semen is being produced, but isn't being ejected via the urethra.
This is usually due to a weakness in the bladder neck - the muscles that are responsible for making sure semen doesn't retrograde back into the bladder.
When a doctor tests for this condition, he will ask the patient to ejaculate, and then produce a urine sample.
People who suffer from retrograde ejaculation will find that their urine contains the semen that didn't get released during orgasm.
What does it mean if no semen comes out?
There are a large number of reasons why retrograde ejaculation might happen.
Basically, anything that can effect the nerves and muscles around the bladder neck will cause this symptom, including benign conditions like stress, and more serious health concerns like nerve damage or testicular cancer.
My advice would be to seek medical attention to get to the bottom of the situation.
Why doesn't any sperm come out?
Retrograde ejaculation (also known as 'dry orgasm') is a dysfunction where semen is being produced, but isn't being ejected via the urethra.
This is usually due to a weakness in the bladder neck - the muscles that are responsible for making sure semen doesn't retrograde back into the bladder.
When a doctor tests for this condition, he will ask the patient to ejaculate, and then produce a urine sample.
People who suffer from retrograde ejaculation will find that their urine contains the semen that didn't get released during orgasm.
What does it mean if no semen comes out?
There are a large number of reasons why retrograde ejaculation might happen.
Basically, anything that can effect the nerves and muscles around the bladder neck will cause this symptom, including benign conditions like stress, and more serious health concerns like nerve damage or testicular cancer.
My advice would be to seek medical attention to get to the bottom of the situation.