
How Can I Boost My Ego?


3 Answers

Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Ego refers to the self as opposed to everybody and everything else. It can refer to a person's self worth or pride that he or she feels in oneself. There are certain things that can result in a person's ego taking a beating; it can be something as simple as one losing in a video game repeatedly to an opponent to not having a good enough job etc.

Realizing what exactly makes you feel worthless is extremely important. Tackling that issue can help, but so can other things. Exercise or getting involved in sports can help improve your physical health and give your ego a boost. Going to a shooting range and emptying a magazine of 9mm rounds can help.
Tariq Habib Profile
Tariq Habib answered
Boosting ego is an inner desire of every individual of the world. One feels very much delighted and pleased when he is appreciated or praised for any of his performance, achievements or good work. Different people try to boost their ego in different ways.
Some people try to boost or satisfy their ego by helping poor, needy and deserving people. They spend most of their times in helping others and comforting others. They don't bother what people think or comment about them. As they have the urge to serve the humanity, they don't feel tired or deserted by doing good works and deeds. In this way they very well boost their ego and satisfied themselves.
On the other hand there are people who find satisfaction in there praise by doing some foolish and non sense practices like spending money uselessly, adopting some stupid fashions or doing some stupid actions and deeds. Though such people are also liked in the society by a small number of people but I think the first category is very well appreciated and liked everywhere in the world.
So my suggestion for you to boost your ego is to adopt the first stratgy and you will get very good results.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
FMl I always get my ego boosted away from home, the second am back home from collage they take all the way down =S

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