Harpreet Singh
Harpreet Singh thanked Tom Jackson's answer

Part of education involves mastering a skill that you enjoy doing.

Much of education consists of being exposed to various ideas and disciplines and having at least a minimum familiarity with the ones you have studied.

For example in an MBA (masters in business administration) program, you might take a course in "production management." You may have … Read more

Harpreet Singh
Harpreet Singh thanked Barb Cala's answer

Do you want to have a bright future with great possibilities .. Or take your chances on dead end jobs forever?  Competition for jobs is very high and the best candidates get the jobs.  You have to have the skills and experience that employers want if you want. 

Part of being a mature individual is … Read more

Harpreet Singh
Harpreet Singh thanked Tom Jackson's answer

It would appear that you have a problem accepting compliments.

Not unusual, depending on what goes on in your nuclear family.

As a first step, remember that you have value because you have something to offer others.

Getting a complement is a way of finding out what you have to offer others that they consider beneficial to them.

Start … Read more