Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj commented on Mountain Man's answer

I know a 10 year old boy who just for fun, physically lifted.pick up his friend off the ground who weighs more than him. I am just worried that he damaged his back doing this, or is the likelihood of this happening low, since he only did it once?
Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj commented on PJ Stein's answer

I know a 10 year old boy who just for fun, physically lifted.pick up his friend off the ground who weighs more than him. I am just worried that he damaged his back doing this, or is the likelihood of this happening low, since he only did it once?
Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj thanked PJ Stein's answer

Lifting something heavy will not stunt growth. Lifting something that is heavy can injure people of any age if not done properly. Depending on the age and coordination of the child lifting can be done safely. I wouldn't expect a toddler to safely lift anything of any significant weight. A preteen on the other hand … Read more

Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj thanked Mountain Man's answer

Kids as well as adults should use their legs instead of their backs to lift heavy objects. An injury is a possibility but not a guarantee from lifting the wrong way . I've never heard of stunted growth from lifting heavy objects.

Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj asked
Sam Sanj
Sam Sanj commented on Yin And Yang's answer
I'm so sorry! I did not mean to come across as a troll. I just feel bad for him because he lost his life, and I hope is family is doing well, because what they went though is unimaginable!