Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know answered Carrol Glover's question
My family has had countless dogs in my lifetime (fourteen years) and we had this problem. I was like, eight but we took her to the vet. We soon learned that our dog had no speech (or in this case, 'bark'). I suggest taking her to the vet and he/she will find the problem. It … Read more
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
Search your family's last name. For example it could be, Mackeral, if so, it could be a fish. There is many sights showing census papers. Sometimes from these papers, you can find out your crest. Or you can ask your Granparents, if they are still alive. If not, find out from your parents. My granparents … Read more
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
She pulled a muscle. Happened to me loads. Take her to the doctors to get it checked out. If it's her ankle and it has swollen, then she might have twisted or sprained it. The best way to find out is to go to your doctors! Happy new years! *Gives out free hugs!*
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know answered Elie bed's question
I think you shouldn't tell your Mom. How long has your dad been cheating? If it's been like a couple of years, make him tell her. If it's been a couple of weeks, you tell her. Try to talk to your dad about it. What exucses does he have? None, probabley. Happy new years! *Gives … Read more
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
No one knows what the first language was. It was probabley ancient Germanic or Hebrew. The Bible says that when the people were building the tower to Heaven, God got angry, because the only way to Heaven was by him. So He made everyone talk in diffrent languages. Other languages such as english or irish, … Read more
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know
Bethan You-don't-need-to-know answered Anonymous' question
It's highly likely that you will get sick but maybe you already had it and now your friends got and it's worse. Don't worry though. If you do get sick. Get some medicine especially for that kind of thing and go to the doctors. Don't go out. Happy New Years! *Gives out free hugs!*