Lisa K.
Lisa K. answered question
After ejaculation from intercourse, the sperm are well on their way deep inside the vagina headed for the cervix to get to (hopefully) an egg awaiting fertilization. Urine won't come in contact with the sperm at this the answer to your question is no, urinationg after intercourse will not keep you from getting pregnant … Read more
Lisa K.
Lisa K. answered
According to the book "Strange Stories and Amazing Facts"....the British Government decided in the 1800's to perform a study to determine which was the more harmful substance to the human body....Coffee or Tea. The scientists used prisoners sentenced to life terms and gave two individuals with similar health and physical attributes a steady diet of … Read more
Lisa K.
Lisa K. answered question
Coffee is not more addictive than just seems to be that way because of the way the caffeine affects the body when you don't get your regular dose of it. If you're used to a regular cup of joe every morning....then to skip it will give you a headache and leave you feeling lethargic … Read more