cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
It's just like having a forever boyfriend. I didn't feel different when I got married. I just can't tell my husband to get out of my house when I get mad at him cause it's his house too.
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
It is possible to collect both. SSD is social security disability they offer that first and if you qualify for more that what ssd is willing to pay out and you meet income qualifications ssi will either pay the rest or let you know if you don't qualify. My father collected both dor awhile until … Read more
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
Children don't always like to try new thing all of the time. A lot of times they won't like something the first time that you offer it to them or they might not even want to try it at first. I reccomend that you continue to offer small portions maybe 3-5 bites of the new … Read more
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
When filling out an incident report they want you to report who, what, when, where, why and how. Then they ask for a summary of the incident that occured. If it happened to the person reporting the incident at work they may require a drug test and a trip to urgent care depending on what … Read more
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
My guess would be because in the early 90s I knew a few hookers that would wear red nail polish and lipstick with blue or green eye shadow, but all that is different now. Christians can wear red nail polish!
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
It could be a few things. Call your vet and have your dog checked out. It's always better to be safe than sorry. If it was you having these symptoms you would go to the doctor for yourself.
cheryl perez
cheryl perez answered question
You should take your dog to the vet. You could be putting your dogs life at risk and the other puppies. Some dogs need help delivering their puppies. My dog had 8 puppies and it only took her a couple of hours to get them out." is pending