How does adderall affect a person who doesnt have adhd?


3 Answers

Danielle Kirby Profile
Danielle Kirby answered
I know this from experience! I do not have adhd and I took 2 adderall and it made me very hyper. I could not sleep for 2 days after I took it. I was constantly moving around and fixing things that were outta place! Just to have something to do..when I stayed seated for more than 5 minutes at a time my leg would start shaking and I would start messing with my lips  and fingers...I don't know if this will help you lol but I can certainly tell you that thats exactly what happened to me..sometimes people with no adhd that take adderall will also just get very depends on how your body takes to it..
lulu baby Profile
lulu baby answered
It's an amphetamine (upper) and actually whether you have adhd or not it would do the same thing when you first start taking it but then the person builds a tolerance.  You can loose your apetite, sometimes it can make you have insomnia.  It will make you hyper n if you don't have adhd it can make you feel like you do depending on the dosage.  When I take it (I'm on 30mg immediate released for ADD) it still makes me hyper but sometimes I still have a hard tym concentrating or focusing on one thing at a time because it speeds up my mind.  Please also to keep n mind that EVERYONE reacts to medication differently because eveyone's body chemistry is defferent. I'm pretty sure it's a myth that if you do have either one of those disorders it makes you sleepy and calms you down. That's a buch of bs. There are several different types of medications to treat these disorders and I have tried them all and they all make my hyper but help me focus n I do have a hard tym eating.  Hopefully this helps answer your?

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