It would have to be my Grandfather. He was recorded have a Cholesterol Level of just over 2000. Which by the doctor's statements he should have been legally dead.
I clocked n at 500 and I thought tht was high
Passion W.
Passion W.
Dads got 6587 right now.
I had a recorded triglyceride level of 14000. My blood was hot pink sludge and it literally had a "head" (think beer foam) on it.
My wife had pancretitus and her tryglicerides was 17,100, cholesterol was 8,300. Blood looked like Pepto
I do not believe these results, they're way too high. I format blood reports for 3 years and the highest I've seen is 80.
You guys are confusing Triglycerides with Total cholesterol levels. Do some research.
Just got my triglyceride report back (5/20/9) and my doctor is furious...mine is 2250 and she asked why I was alive.
I have a friend that was just admitted to the hospital with cholesterol of 2700. Last that I heard, they had lowered it to 900.
Damn and I thought my dads was bad at 6458
Well I really don't know so I think I will put 200
My highest was off the chart & my triglycerides were 886. I have hyperlipidemia.
My cholesterol was at 614. My doc said if I was older I probably would've had a heart attack. Thank god I'm 23. Now my wife has got me on a strict diet.
The highest cholesterol level is already known by the UK which is 6.57mmol/L. For detail click Cholesterol.
I have a boyfriend who has a cholesterol of 3420.
I have 5000 right now. My doctor just called me with the results. I am to drink lots of gatorade to flush it from my system.