I think this person has been bullied before, just like many others who tend to be paranoid about these things. They never feel socially safe because someone eg "a friend" has usually lead them into trusting them, and then pulled the rug under the feet- leaving them feeling humiliated and worthless. Even worse still, some go out of their way to hide the painful topics of these events in an attempt to forget the past and fit in or compensate. However as cheesy as it sound, sometimes being put in that position too often can make you read between lines which don't exist. Basically if you unknowingly tread on these soft spots once or twice- they react. Its really an auto response which they might be struggling to deal with. By this, I mean that they’ve really just started preparing themselves for the next attack. Some individuals do this by being on top of everything (i.e. A social diva) or being secluded (i.e. Hiding from all possible shame and mishaps). The best thing to do is that when things are neutral- out of the blue just ask him or her why do they think you talk about them eg by asking if they think you are nice and then they’ll say yes- from there just ask the same question as previous. This way it is not an accusation following one of their episodes, and so they might not be too defensive about it. Better yet, they won’t have more reason to believe you're out to get them. Do keep in mind that such behaviour can be toxic to a relationship. If things don't seem to be going better after your gentle attempts- it might be best to wean away from your friendship. (Otherwise Who knows, you could also end up being paranoid that people think you're a gossip!;) )
Paranoid people think that they're always being talked about. Whenever a paranoid person sees two people conversing, he/she assumes that they're talking against him/her. It's something they cannot help. They feel that everyone is plotting against them and trying to hinder them in their plans.
You might want to ask her what it is she thinks you are saying about her, because she may have heard something that you said by way of another person or it could be that she may hear you talking about other people and she feels that you may be doing the same thing to her. Just ask her why she feels this way, but do it with sincerity and concern. Sometimes people have had bad experiences with other people in their past and they have not learned to move past their negative experiences.
I've read the answer's above & to blame this as schizophrenia doesn't make sense-I've met schitzo's s & it really just sound's to me like she's got low self-esteem & bad self image to were she feel's ,maybe, not good enough(in her eye's) & feel's other's are talking behind her back. I do agree to the comment that she maybe talk's about other's & think's they're talking about her too. I really don't see this as her being vain.Just try to ignore it & that might just shut her up, because she's not getting a reaction.Some people have nothing better to do. Are you friends? Because if you are-you really should talk to her & let her know how all that she is doing is hurting you.good luck to you!!

People with some of disorder known as schizophrenia are the type of people that normally think somebody is talking about them.
Either a very paranoid, super inferior feeling person, or one who thinks they are so important that EVERYONE MUST be talking about them. Your friend sounds like the former. Doesn't sound like a "friend" at all. Good luck.
With some people it's not full blown schizophrenia but a little paranoid at times maybe not such a confident person if you know someone who is prone to this it's best to try reassuring them that everything is ok than maybe getting angry I understand at times this may be hard but a little patience is needed
Do you give anyone a reason as to think you are talking behind her back??? She is obviously very insecure, paranoid, no self-esteem and if you go about being horrible to her about this it will only help to confirm her thoughts. She needs your reassurance not judgement. And no it doesn't mean that your friend is schizophrenic. That is an insult. She is just very quiet, shy and no self-esteem and you need to tread carefully. Be a good friend and tell her that you are not talking about her behind her back instead of coming onto a website to whinge behind her back because that is not a nice thing to do.