How Do I Leave My Drug Addicted Husband?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Can you go and live with your parents for the time being until you can get through school?  Are they aware of the situation?  If not, I think you need to sit down and explain the situation to them, and then ask if you can move back home. 
It does sound like he's trying to overcome his problems, and you need to be supportive, but at the same time, you do need to get away from that.  maybe if he realizes that he's about to lose his wife and kids because of his addiction, it will be enough motivation (even if you've threatened this before, it is just a threat until you actually do it). 
If going back home isn't possible, then the only other thing to do would be to go to social services and explain the situation to them.  Find out if you and your husband separated (but not divorced, since I'm assuming you would go back to him if he cleaned himself up), if there are any programs and assistance for you and your kids. 
Unfortunately, keep in mind that as a de facto single mother of three, that finances will always be a problem for you, even if your husband were to pay child support.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for your comment. He really is a good guy-he just had very poor roles models who taught him to self-medicate, that professional help for emotional issues is "weak", and he has many demons that he can't put to rest. His parents, brother and all of his uncles have died under tragic circumstances. I know that the emotional issues that he has never dealt with, is the real underlying issue of why he uses.

The problem is that I do love him but can't take the thought of him going to the "dark place" again. In order for me to focus on the kids, my studies, and maintain my sanity, my home environment has got to have some stability.

I can't go home to my parents-although I have a good relationship with them, I never discuss my marriage with them. In my opinion, it is unfair to burden them with our problems. I do not want them to have hard feelings towards my husband, because I ultimately hope that we can work out our issues.

He loves his children and me but it is hard not to feel like second-best to the "mistress" that is his drug addiction.

I am going to school to become a Lactation Consultant. I have a 4.0 gpa and I have the goal of working in the Public Health realm. I have no personal experience with public assistance. I know that if I go that route, it would be until I get on my feet and so that my children's needs can be met.

Could anyone give me insight on what programs I could qualify for or if there are any other avenues (grants, etc) that I could explore?

Thanks for your time.
Anonymous commented
All I know is that I am in the very same situation and OFS told me that I had to leave him in order to get the assistance. And that if I did leave him that I had to have a permenant residence somewhere for the kids or they would have to report me to child services as being homeless. Which would constitute me loosing my children. Good luck and let me know if you found something better.
Nolaraggincajun Roberts
Okay this is simular to me and my sons father. Alan always had an addictive personality and anything to get loaded..he did. I met him in florida. It was love at first sight literly. I was 16 going on 17 and he was 19. He was huffing gas. Keyboard dusters. Drunk. I saw something in him. He was miserable so I pulled em out of that. Things were going good..he was alan I knew was in there. So months go by and alot of things started changing..cheating. Pills again and drinking. I'm trying to get...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I could have written that myself.

I have given him numerous chances and now I am just done.

He is doing the exact same thing he did the past previous times I wanted to leave out of disparity. "I PROMISE I'll change". Instead, he just gets better at lying, sneaking and doing everything behind my back.

This time he asked me to write a list of what I want him to do to change.

Even though the thought of doing so made me nauseaous, I did because he is so predictable and I knew it would either prove that he was sincere or prove what I already knew...he wasn't going to change..

The whole time I was reading it to him, he was arguing my stipulatons.
Stipulations that NO wife should have to write down directions for to have a good marriage.
I am glad I wrote the list he asked for. Now I know what to do.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I totally understand, my husband gets so hurt and insulted when I tell him how much I can't stand him getting so messed up, and he acts like I am such a bitch for it. He acts like I am the bad guy. I resent more and more everytime this happens. I totally understand how you said how no wife should have to ask for her husband to act right. I feel the same way. I worry everytime we get together with friends or family that he will get too wasted and embarass me.
Anonymous commented
I don't think it's too much to ask to just want to have a nice time without your husband getting totally wasted.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am going through a similar situation. I am a full time student and my husband is an attorney...I think he uses his title to justify drinking and smoking pot every night...Half of the time, he does cocaine, even though I have told him so many times that I don't want to do that! We used to party a lot together, but I am over that and just want to live a guilt free life.  I want to have kids someday, and he does too, but I am scared that I will be pregnant and he will still be partying everynight.  I don't mean to make myself sound like an angel, as I am not, but I am so over the life style.  I can't stand to see him laying on the couch stoned night after night.  It makes me totally unattracted to him and also makes me resent him.  He knows how I feel about this, but he continues to do it.  I love him, but  I am not happy.  He keeps saying that he will change and that he is sorry, but he always goes back to his old ways.  I think I know what I should do, but I am so scared to go through with divorce!!!
Kevin Bradley Profile
Kevin Bradley answered
You just do it. Everyone feels regret for what might have been. For what was ruined, changed and lost. You concentrate on your life, your career, your son. On you and what you want out of life.  You see the future as a good one and work to make it so. You take a lesson from the past. That way it isn't useless. It's hard, I know, but every day you wake up and reaffirm that this day is going to be a good one. And this day is one step closer to what you are working for. And this day is one step further from the bad times.

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