
How To Cure High Esr?


4 Answers

Daniel Pountney Profile
Daniel Pountney answered
ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. It is a test that indirectly measures how much inflammation is in the body. This test can be used to monitor inflammatory or cancerous diseases. It is a screening test, which means it cannot be used to diagnose a specific disorder but it is useful in detecting and monitoring tuberculosis, tissue death, certain forms of arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and inflammatory diseases that cause vague symptoms.
Normal results would be less than 15-20 mm/hr (millimetres per hour) or less than 30 mm/hr for a woman over the age of 50. For a new born baby it would be 0-2 mm/hr and for a child ages 1-13 it should be between 3 and 13 mm/hr. A high ERS result could indicate Anemia, Endocarditis, Kidney disease, Osteomyelitis, pregnancy, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid arthritis, Syphilis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Thyroid disease, Tuberculosis or other inflammatory conditions.
An extremely high ERS level could indicate Body-wide (systemic) infection, Giant cell arteritis, Hyperfibrinogenemia (increased fibrinogen levels in the blood), Multiple myeloma, Macroglobulinemia - primary, Necrotizing vasculitis or Polymyalgia rheumatica.
If you have a high ESR, the only way to cure it would be to have a diagnosis from your doctor who can then establish the underlying cause of the problem and prescribe some medication in the hope that this will either help or cure the problem. Your ESR should return to normal levels as soon as a diagnosis is provided and treatment begins to reduce any inflammation in the body, whatever the cause may be. You may need to be on medication for the rest of you life to keep your ESR at a healthy level or you may have medication for a few months which could cure you of the problem.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm assuming that you are aware of what an ESR test is measuring--the level of an inflammatory cell-marker present in your blood. Well, systemic inflammation can be caused by many different factors, some of which we can alleviate. The foods we eat affect the levels of inflammation in our bodies tremendously. When we eat foods laiden with chemicals, hormones, artificial preservatives, concentrated sugars and sugar substitutes, etc. Our bodies become stressed as they attempt to assimilate and eventually rid themselves of these foreign substances. The response to the stress induced by our diets is manifested as inflammation, and the ESR is a quantitive test depicting just how stressed our systems are. The ESR will also rise due to autoimmune diseases like lupus, for example, where the body fails to recognize it's own tissues and starts attacking the body. Exercising, modifying our diets, and reducing external stressors is the easiest and most effective way to lower your ESR. I suggest you google: Anti-inflammatory diet. You will find a lot of information regarding which foods and chemicals to avoid and which ones to increase in your diet. Good luck to you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
High ESR indicates that inflammation is present. Where the inflammation is, ESR cannot tell. ESR will return to normal levels as soon as the inflammation disappears.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ESR stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the English abbreviation for the ESR, is a non-specific laboratory test items. That is to say, accelerate the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and can not determine with which disease, and normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate does not mean that there is no disease. ESR can understand disease and observe the development of the disease and changes with other laboratory results and clinical data of binding assay, can be helpful to diagnose the disease.

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