What If Your Monocytes Are High?


14 Answers

Hannah Barton Profile
Hannah Barton answered
The diagnosis and treatment for high monocytes involves finding the underlying cause and, if possible, addressing it.  For example, if your monocytes are high because of inflammation caused by a viral infection, the treatment would be for the virus, thereby reducing the inflammation and the monocyte count.

Labs will typically run other tests when a monocyte count is requested.  This will help to identify the cause.  Patients should discuss the results with their doctor.  A high monocyte count is not necessarily a cause for great concern.

High monocyte levels can be a response to infections of all kinds, inflammatory disorders and certain malignant disorders.  Monocytes are large, circulating white blood cells that absorb and engulf foreign bodies, harmful microorganisms and waste material.  They constitute around 3% of the white blood cells in humans.

High monocytes are often caused by chronic inflammation.  This may be as the result of an infection, such as tuberculosis or malaria, a malignancy, such as certain leukaemias, or a blood and immune cause, such as chronic neutropenia.

Monocytes are made in the bone marrow and spread through the body in 1-3 days.  They typically move into the tissues.  They play multiple roles in immune function.  Monocytes can develop into either macrophages or dendritic cells.  Macrophages attack any foreign material, such as a virus or bacteria, and consume it so that it can cause no further damage.  Dendritic cells help to identify dangerous toxins or other foreign substances.

A monocyte count can either be expressed as a ratio or as an absolute number.  Both are useful in determining or ruling out a possible diagnosis.  Your doctor is the best person to consult, as he/she will have access to your medical history.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My Monocytes are high-14 and for the past few years my WBC has been Low-3.6. Any suggestions as to the reasons?
Westley Brothers Profile
My lymphocytes are 18.1 and my monocytes  14.6. Tell me what this means
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My daughters monocytes are at 12 what can cause this ,,she passed out for a few minutes ,then she would go pale,, sweaty,weak,,she is 18 this has happen a few time as a preteen at school,,went and had blood work done twice ,,the first time blood work came back  ,,they didnt see anything then the next blood work came back med-high
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had my blood work done and Lymphocytes & Monocytes both came back high what would cause that
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Normal white blood cell count is 4300-10800. Higher levels of WBC can be due to infection, stress and anemia. Your levels of WBC are slightly high. Normal levels of monocytes are 2-8%. Your levels are 8.3% which are slightly higher. This can be due to inflammatory diseases, parasitic infection, viral infection and tuberculosis.
So, your both WBC and monocytes are slightly elevated which can be due to some infection.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a 11.2% I am battling 'reactive arthritis'. I am curious if it is the inflammatory response, or an underlying infection as I have suspected...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My WBC is 3.7 and my RBC is 4.19 and the M:CH is 33.9 also my mono is 17.0 and baso is 1.4 and gran is 1.7.  What is going on?  I always run a low WBC and have a condition called lukapenia.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My absolute monocytes are 1123 and my white blood count is 8.2 and red blood count is 5.09
I have joint pain in my toes,feet, hands, jaw, everywhere, also my ankle started to swell and I can not walk on it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My kid just gets flu. He has already gt medicine. He got high temp (still less than 38C) since Thursday and on Saturday and Sunday noon was always less than 37C. But on Sunday night he got 37.4C and Monday morning got 37.2C. Monday evening, he got blood test and the only 2 items out of range are ESR 50 (normal 0 - 10) and Monocyte 13 (normal 2 - 8). This morning when he got couch there was blood and also got blood from his nose. Btw, previously he got pneumonia but it was already cured.

We are staying at tropical country.

JOHN GLEAVE answered
RAISED MONOCYTES VALUE=1.30 UNITS=10.9L  [RANGE=0.2 TO 0.8U]                                                          EOSONPHILS  VALUE =  0.10  UNITS =10.9L                RANGE=0.04                                                            E.S.R= HI  7  MM/1STHR    RANGE[
thanked the writer.
JOHN GLEAVE commented
Aditional infomation by john gleave = other white cells normal. Enlarged red cells = mcv 102.8 cut off point 100.0u abdominal,chest,back pain .....chronic symptoms
JOHN GLEAVE commented
John gleave aditional information=b12 high end. Folic acid normal. Other information if needed.. Thankou for you time..
Muhammad Nadeem Profile
Muhammad Nadeem answered
High monocyte levels can be due to TB, viral infection, inflammatory disease (chronic), parasitic infection etc.

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