Should I Go To School With A Stye?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should be fine as long as you don't touch your eyes and be sure to wash your hands religiously.  It is spread by touching it then touching other things so as long as you can keep your hands off you should be okay.  There is a great product available at most grocery stores simply called Steye, it is an ointment you put on your eye that helps to clear it up quickly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I once had a stye and I was sent home from work because I was a waitress and it didn't look very good. I suggest that you keep your child home so you can keep watch over him and see how it does the day after.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No you shouldn't. Styes are contagious and you can pass them around.I did once and everyone around me got them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No way! Especially if there's ict... Don't risk it!

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