Is Recurring Bacterial Vaginitis Aka BV And HPV Aka Human Papillomivirus Connected? Can You Get Bv From Hpv?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are some studies that have shown that BV and HPV are associated. It is possible that recurrent bacterial vaginosis may make one more susceptible to HPV infection, an inflamed vaginal wall may be more easily penetrated by the virus. Also, the fact that the bacterial infection is recurrent suggests that the immune system may be some how compromised, also affecting how the body reacts and fights HPV. In the majority of the population, the functional immune system will clear the HPV infection within 1 to 2 years. For those who have persistent HPV infections there is higher risk for developing cervical cancer depending on the virulence of the HPV strain (types 16, 18, etc.)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bacterial vaginitis or vaginosis is the inflammation of vagina due to overgrowth of normal bacteria in the vagina. Factors responsible for this condition are more than one sexual partners, use of intrauterine device, and smoking. This condition can produce thin and grayish white discharge with unpleasant fishy smell. BV can be treated by antibiotics.
HPV or human papillomavirus is an STD infection which can cause genital warts leading to cervical cancer in women. Once a person is infected, he/she remain positive for life time, only symptoms of warts can be manged. There are more than 130 types of HPV and out of them 30-40 are STD. No cure of HPV.
There is no correlations of HPV and BV. Both are different type of infections. HPV can not cause BV and BV can not cause HPV. HPV infection is lifetime while BV can be treated. Reoccurance of BV can be due above mentioned reasons. It can also reoccur in immune compromised patients.

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