When you are mad at someone, how do you show them?


8 Answers

Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

I definitely give them the silent treatment. Unless you are a family member or a close friend, I have no problem cutting bad people out of my life. Life is too short to spend one moment unhappy or surround yourself around those who don't bring out the best in you.

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I usually just don't speak to them or ignore them. But I'm normally one of those people that doesn't stay mad long. I don't like to be mad at anyone.

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I seldom stay mad at anyone for very long.

While anger is a very appropriate response at times, unless it is necessary in my personal healing process on the way to forgiveness, it tends to require a great deal of effort on my part to retain the feeling of anger toward another.

Beyond that, as my patron saint, St. Thomas Aquinas, once said: "Everything I have written is as straw."  (He was given a vision from God that indicated how little what happened in this life negatively impacted the next life.)

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

First I pray about it. Next, If possible I talk about the issue that has upset me, next we're OK.

If not I ignore them and depending on what I chosed (we all have a choice to get upset or let it go) to get upset about. I'll try again depending on the person.

No solution I'm happy with, I move on.

Jaimie  JT Profile
Jaimie JT answered

When I'm angry everyone around me knows it :) I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve .I think it's good though that I let my emotions out. If I go silent with rage though ,  that's when people should  run  RAAAAAR.

Zack -  Mr. GenXer Profile

I've been stewing over something for the last 15 years and I've been itching to show this person how angry I really am. I've heard that the thing to do to is remain perfectly calm. That would scare the hell out of anyone.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Depends on who it is and the situation. Most people I just walk away from from. My hubby though..... If we are in public I give him the "evil eye". If we are at home, often times it involves an elevated vocal volume. This is often exasperated by the fact he is hard of hearing.

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