In this day and age it is probably anxiety. :0(
Please have a doctor check it out. Take care.
In this day and age it is probably anxiety. :0(
Please have a doctor check it out. Take care.
It can be possible due to stress or it might be the symptom of heart disease so better to consult with a doctor to have treatment at the right time.
Dear May Apple,
Assuming you have the heart stuff checked out and sounds like you have, then one thing I will tell you really helps anxiety...and that is, getting old...
Things just get less intense somehow, a lot more ho-hum, if someone doesn't like me it is their problem...
I will tell you, if you have the feeling of can't get air like Y&Y mentions, then you can breathe into a paper bag, which will help that...getting more CO2 into your system...
You really need to get a differential diagnosis from a doctor for this problem.
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