
What Is Vitiligo?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Vitiligo is a skin disease where the skin does not make the brown color. The cure from Vitiligo is normally done with UVB light from special UVB narrowband lamps.
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Anonymous commented
Vitiligo is thought to be hereditary, but can occur in anybody. There's no 100% effective cure has been found yet. However, it can be improved with treatment. It is possible to reverse the loss of skin color in a good number of patients

Herbal Vitiligo Medicines from Speedy Herb Care is a slow medication process and they are free from side effects due to their natural ingredients. For improvement in Vitiligo you have to be consistent and follow the dosage as prescribed.
Irshad Muhammad Profile
Irshad Muhammad answered
Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by white patches of irregular shape. These patches occur due to destruction of melanocytes (pigment producing cells). These white patches can
appear on any part of the body. It usually starts as small patches of pigment loss and then spreads on different parts of the body. The size of patches may also increases in some cases.

Premature whitening or graying of the hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard, loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of mouth, loss or change in color of the inner layer of eye are some key symptoms of vitiligo.

The cause of vitiligo is still unknown. In some cases some genetic factors may be involved and 1 out of 3 gets victimized by vitiligo of the same family. Vitiligo is common in people with certain autoimmune diseases. Doctors and Scientists have different theories about the cause of vitiligo but its exact cause is unknown.

About sixty five million people around the world are victim of this disease. In America one to two million people have this disease and half of the people develop vitiligo before the age of
twenty but it may start at any age. Most develop it before their fortieth birthday. It affects both sexes and all races equally.

According to American Vitiligo Research Foundation no cure is available for this disease. The main of goal of vitiligo treatment is to stop or slow down the progression rate of  de-pigmentation. Some treatments are also available for re-pigmentation.


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