Can I Evict My Abusive/alcoholic Boyfriend? He Is Not On The Lease, But Has Been Living Here For The Last 5 Yrs. HELP! From Sarasota Co., FL.


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You need to check out the Eviction Lease Laws for your state, online.
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
No need for eviction because he has no binding contract. When he's gone, change the locks, throw his stuff to the curb and let him know you're all done and to get the hell out. You may want to get a restraining order first. If he doesn't go away, call the cops and tell them he's in violation of the restraining order and you want him arrested and removed from your apartment. Simple isn't it? Now are you going to follow through or be soft and think you're going to change him? The road to your new life has just reached a fork in the road. The outcome is up to you.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Tried to lock him out but he broke a window to get in and the police wouldn't arrest him because they said he had a right to be there. Tried to get an order for protection but was turned down, guess i'll just have to let him leave " marks " on me just so the police will make him leave?
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
You can go and get a restraining order against him, and that will be served to him, he will have to leave the premises, but you also need to make sure that you are going to be safe, and while you are getting the restraining order for the abuse, you should ask the judge if this is sufficient as an eviction as well. It should be. I am going through this myself, and when you do this, you really need to keep safe, as he MAY decide that he is going to further harm you. Believe me, it can happen, I am proof of that. My husband is currently in jail for breaking the restraining order, and threatened to kill me when he got into the garage. Please, be careful, and best of luck to you.
thanked the writer.
Jacquelyn Mathis
Jacquelyn Mathis commented
Many courts also know about mental and verbal abuse, but this is harder to establish, My husband loved to call me names and he used them on me every day. My kids would hear him say these things. He verbally abused as well as mental, and that was one way that I was able to get an order one time.
I don't recommend letting him leave marks, this could turn out worse than you think. Like I said, mine tried to kill me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You will have to give him notice to vacate the property. In most states that is 30 days. You can easily find Florida statutes on the net. After the proper notice, go to the clerk of courts office and ask for an eviction warrant. Usually this is called an unlawful detainer. The boyfriend will be served by an officer of the court. In court, tell the judge your story and you should have no problem legally getting him out. If he comes back, call the police and he will be arrested for trespassing. I have been thru an identical situation in Virginia. Good luck. Teresa
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My two 50 year olds sons I
live at my house and they drink every day I don't want them hear any more it's my house and I pay the bills they both get ssi checks and all they do is drink it up

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