
What Do Dark Spots On Lower Ankle Mean?


1 Answers

Deborah Mann Profile
Deborah Mann answered
This can cover a multitude of conditions and some of them are listed below. The bottom line though is that you cannot really use the Internet as a diagnostic tool: You will be much better seeing a trained medical professional to make sure that you receive urgent treatment if necessary, or that you don't have a fatal condition.

  • Petechiae
These are caused by bleeding under the skin, producing small spots and each can look very different on different people. They present as small spots, and change in color as they fade, shifting from red to a purplish color, which then turn to tan and yellow.

A simple method to determine petechiae is to press on the skin. They do not blanch when pressed, whilst other skin problems will become pale when you press them.

  • Purpura
These are larger sub dermal areas that bleed. They start as red areas that become purple and later a brownish yellow. They appear as crops but you will find that they fade over a period of three to five days. This condition, however, is more common on other areas like the shins. Purpura spots do not pale under pressure.

  • Diabetes
The symptoms of some diabetic conditions can present as blotches on the skin. This should be checked out by a specialist.

  • Hyper pigmentation
Patches of darkened skin emerge, which are much darker than the surrounding tissues. The change happens due to an overproduction of melanin in the skin. This is not race specific and can happen to anyone of any race. A hyper pigmentation spot is often called an age spot or a liver spot. Exposure to sunlight is the commonest cause of darkened skin.

  • Other Conditions
Without an examination, the following could be considered. Vein inflammation may cause the symptoms, but this would be atypical. An allergic reaction could be the culprit, as could a reaction to some herbs.

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