More seriously, it could be damage to your taste buds or more worryingly a brain tumour or trauma to your head. Do not panic as it really could be a number of simple explanations and if it is persistent you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. It could be something as simple as having an adverse effect to a birth control pill and if you had burning mouth syndrome or glossitis then you would be without doubt describing the pain that comes with it.
Another and very common explanation is oral thrush, it is also known as oral Candidiasis, which is a yeast infection, which obviously occurs in the mouth and is caused by a fungus called Candida Albicans, it is not gender discriminate and can occur in children especially new born babies.
Thrush also occurs on the genital area and on very rare incidences can it be transmitted but it is always best not to have any contact with anyone sexually or share toothbrushes etc. Until a course of treatment is undergone. Oral thrush can be caused by varying things such as denture wear, lowered immune system or diabetes. It can be easily treated by your Doctor or over the counter with an anti-fungal cream.