Pneumonia vaccine should be administered only once in a lifetime according to current standards if administered after age 65. If prior to 65 should have a booster every 10 years after initial vaccination until booster at 65 or after and then no further boosters should be needed according to standards at this time. Your local health department can give you any information you may need and answer most if not all questions if regards to any type of vaccinations whether they be for children or adults.
I have emphysema and asthma. My doctor said for me to get one every three to five years.
CDC guidelines say a normal healthy adult needs 1 shot lifetime. Anyone with chronic illness, supressed immune system and/or 65+ should, based on Doctor's recommendation, get a "booster" 5-10 years later.
Pneumonia is the inflammation of lung caused by the bacteria in which the air sac fill up with pus so that air is excluded and the lung become solid. This depend upon the amount of lung involve and virulence of bacteria. Only exposure to bacteria can cause this disease. There is also chance of acquired pneumonia.
I am 65 and never had a pneumonia shot so should I get one now?