My blood pressure124/54/54 I am taking blood pressure pills
As long as it's under 120/80, you're fine. Your results are good, as long as your blood pressure isn't too low. If you took it on a machine, sometimes, because of the number of people who use the machine, and the lack of proper calibration, your reading is probably not as accurate as if you had it taken at your doctor's office. The systolic, may be a little low, but the diastolic, and your pulse rate look fine. Remember though, when in doubt, check it out. If you feel fatigued or dizzy or faint, make sure you have it taken by the proper health care professional. Athletes also tend to have lower blood pressures and pulse rates.
My blood pressure is 114/54 is this normal or cause for concern?
I have had high blood pressure and have been taking medication. I am a male 65 years of age and just took my blood pressure. My systolic 126; diastolic 65; pulse 38..should I be concerned