Would Bipolar Disorder Be Considered A Birth Defect? My Father Was In Vietnam During Agent Orange, And I Was Wondering If That Could Have An Effect. I Have No Family History Of Bipolar Disorder.


5 Answers

Glen Thornbury Profile
Glen Thornbury answered
I'm the head of a Veteran group (The Head of the Snake) that just FINDLEY had some success in getting Service Related Disabilities to Veterans that don't have 20 years in the military, and even that was an up hill battle!
The bias of the VA and the things they do to YOUR AMERICAN VETERANS that just served 3 or 4 years is Unbelievable! To say the least!
BUT the politicians LIE to you and say THEY are taking Very Good Care For Us!
The whole bad mouthing us in privet!!!!!
I'm also a Psychology Major and it's not very likely you got your disorder from Agent Orange! SORRY!
But if your father has Agent Orange!
It is 95% sure you too have it to the same level as him, and 95% sure your children will too!
If I was you I would ask your doctor to set up a Special Blood Test, with Special Dr.'s!
It cost about $200 to find out and birth defects are ramped!
We just FORCED the Senate and Congress to Pass "The 2008 Agent Orange Bill", and only did that after "The National Bar" contacted them telling them that if they did not do something that WE YOUR VETERANS were going to file a Class Action over the difference in the treatment of the 20 year Veterans and the regular Veterans with Agent Orange!
So if your father is receiving Non Service Related Disabilities with Agent Orange!
He needs to get a hold of me, and I'll tell him how to get Service Related Disabilities and AROUND $4000 per month!
"The Snake"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bipolar disorder or manic depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain,sufferers experience a manic episode where they believe they can take on the world,not sleeping, occasionally having delusions of granduer. Followed by an extreme low which is the depression, it can be controlled by the drug lithium. It can be hereditary,unlike clinical depression,many people lead normal lives when the medication is given in the correct doses for that person,which can take up to a year,have a word with your doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm bipolar I was diagnosed 2002 , I was adopted at birth so there's no way for me to know if I inherited, check into your family history, if not sure bout orange thing if you have counselor or md ask them, and beware if you take meds your body can grow immune to them so always be open and honest with your doctors,good luck in life..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be caused by physical or psychological problems other than bipolar disorder itself.  BP is, because of this, very difficult to readily get an accurate diagnosis.  Your concerns about Agent Orange are valid, particularly since the government continues to cover up its uses of this agent even after it was supposedly discontinued during Vietnam (see Agent Blue).  I am sharing this with limited availability of the medical literature (though I am well-read on the subject), but also as one formerly diagnosed bipolar & a spouse of a Vietnam vet who lost his leg last year due to diabetes caused by exposure to Agent Orange.  He was told at that time that "Agent Blue" was just renamed Agent Orange, & they knew that his diabetes was caused by it because of certain blood tests which verified his diagnosis (diabetes does not run in his family either).  As for bipolar disorder:  the cause is yet unknown, but the literature I have accessed maintains that there are specific genetic markers found so far; however, just because there is a genetic predisposition for any of the mood disorders, the other factors involved for actual onset of this brain disorder also include: How the individual copes with stressors; nutritional needs; age; & other factors like parental modeling & other socializing issues also play a part in the illness.  I have seen people whose bipolar illness has come on from use of recreational drugs; familial predisposition; trauma; diet--even use of psychiatric medications under a physician's care, but in none of those cases did these people come by their diagnosis easily.  I am also certain that finding a direct answer to your question will not come easily.  But if there are answers, your best bet is to start visiting VA hospitals & asking Vietnam veterans what they have experienced & their children.  Perhaps even refugees from South Vietnam or their government health agencies could help you find answers.  Having been in relationship with my Nam vet spouse for nearly 30 years, I can say that growing up in an environment where PTSD abounds from that war could have been a contributing stress factor to your developing bipolar symptomology.  Your answers will not come easy through the VA or its records, particularly at this time in our government's history & being wartime.  This administration does not want to pay any monies out to any veteran or their family members that they can get away with whenever possible.  This is done by submerging military & health records, denying benefits, changing the law to suit their needs if necessary--anything to keep veterans of previous wars from their promised benefits & today's veterans from as few benefits as possible for the most arbitrary of reasons possible.  I witness this on a weekly basis at our local VA hospital, & 24/7 in my own household through my husband's personal history & current circumstances.  Threats against family members is not above this administration, so I caution you now to tread lightly.  I have other information to offer should you choose to ask me off this forum, but in general I will answer your question:  possibly yes; but likely you will never have proof even if Agent Orange is known to be another cause of bipolar symptomology by the Veteran's Administration, the military, or the government itself.  You can try the Freedom of Information Act if you know what records to look for, but first you have to know what you are looking for.  Best of luck to you.  Lalapetsong@aol.com

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