Why Am I Tired, Feeling Sick And My Stomach Hurts All The Time?


19 Answers

Danielle Joynson Profile
You may have encountered a stomach virus; however we are not a medical authority so you should consult a professional for an appropriate diagnosis.

  • What is a stomach virus?
A stomach virus can be contracted by any individual and it is generally not brought on by any condition in particular. With regards to the symptoms, most people feel sick quite often and endure various degrees of stomach pain. In addition some people become quite lethargic and tired when they get a virus. The length of time people suffer with this condition can be up to a week or just three days. Each case is different.

  • How to treat the virus: Rest
It is important that you carry out advice given to you by a doctor, however to help alleviate a stomach virus lots of rest is necessary. As mentioned above, some feel quite tired when they have a stomach virus so sleeping will help you to get through the problem. It is well-known that the body helps to heal you while you're sleeping so it could be helpful.

  • Keep drinking
Those suffering from a stomach virus should drink plenty of water so you do not face the risk of becoming dehydrated. In some cases, individuals may start vomiting or have diarrhea because they do not have enough liquids within their body.

  • Eat soft foods
Having a stomach virus tends to make people feel like they can't eat anything because it could make them feel more sick. Despite suffering from abdominal pain, it is important that the individual continues to eat. The question is, what foods can you eat? Well, in this case it is advised that the individual sticks to soft foods such as gelatin and toast. However, avoid any spicy foods or those that have been fried.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lately, I have been feeling very full (before or after eating) to the point where I feel like the food is settled way up in my throat.  I feel nausea...burping.  Sometimes I'm not hungry when I should be.  Other times I am hungry and even have cravings for certain foods.  I'll eat and not feel well afterwards.  I am a 45 yr. Old woman who is not pregnant.  I don't seem to be getting any relief from antacids.  What could this be?
randy mitchell Profile
randy mitchell answered
You might want to increase your iron mineral intake.Have your blood checked.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had a similar experience last year.  I started feeling nauseous all the time and my appetite was practically non existent.  Within a couple months I started losing weight (about 25lbs in 3 mos) I then started having severe abdominal pain.  After several tests it was determined that my gallbladder was not functioning properly.  I did not have gallstones so this ws missed in the ultrasound.  This could be a place to start, you should definately contact your doctor.  Good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been feeling nauseous and just a lil thoug up in my mouth its been about 3 weeks and I'm teying to find answers on y with out going to the hospital my head has been hurting as well. If any body thinks theres a baby in side of me wel I don't think so I have  periods 2-3 times a year with out the pile. So if you can help me that would be very helpful
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You may have sleep disorder called NARCOLEPSY. You can be tested for this disorder at a sleep clinic. If you are diagnosed with this disorder there are medications that really work. Caffeine has no effect, sorry to say.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm suffering from the same problem.  Can't stop eating, falling asleep in the evening watching television, waking up after a couple of hours feeling disorientated, dizzy, weak;  go to bed and sleep for about four hours (which when I was feeling fine was my normal number of hours to sleep, i.e., bed at midnight at a 4 a.m.).  I am 60 years old and until this lethargy/tiredness descended upon me was a person of VERY good health;  slight overweight;  smoker (for the last three years 20/day).   Help please?   I am sitting at work now, using my computer, and could easily put my head down on my desk and fall asleep;  a further problem I am suffering from is difficulty seeing the words on my computer and small print I am copying from.   Had my eyes tested and new prescription under a year ago.    Help!!??
Jess Taylor Profile
Jess Taylor , My suggestion, answered
My sister also got stomach ached. And I tell her to eat on time, I tell her to make a time table for eating. Then she follow all my advise. But the problem is that she will be vomit if she eats a lot. But at the end, she feel better now. So for you, you should eat on time and set your schedule for eating. It might sound strange but it helpful.
Wish you are better soon!! 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I have acid reflux with most of these symptoms you all have. Maybe you have it also?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been nauseated all week, burping a lot. I threw up 6 days ago but not since then. I have had diarreha off and on for the last couple of weeks. I have no energy and just want to lay around. Is it just a virus or possibly more?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have been feeling this way recently. I just had a baby 3 mos. Ago and he was my fifth child. I also know that I am not preggo bc I got my tubes tied. I feel light headed, I have been gagging, I have been throwing you, no appetite, my jaw feels almost clenched, and I also have a wierd taste in my mouth. Any thoughts?
Bruce Tillson Profile
Bruce Tillson answered
Sounds like questions to be asking your doctor. I recently switched from Paxil to a newer drug called Pristiq. That was three weeks ago. I feel kind of sick but not in a sense of wanting to vomit or stop doing anything. I am just not myself. Your body metabolism changes (as we get older-sorry) and we react to medications differently. I would talk to my doctor about these things.
Maria Kovacs Profile
Maria Kovacs answered
My mom ent through ith stomach cancer in 2009 and all I can tell you if you are feeling nausea after eating and having gas all the time than it is time to check it out with a doctor.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have an ulcer it hurts when you eat you can't eat hot stuff or drink stuff with a lot of acid so get checked that would be best
jessica larreinaga Profile
You should really see a doctor those are signs of many things it could be stress or ulcers I had really bad stomach problems like cramping after a meal nausiated tired and I went to my doctors I had H. PYLORI now I'm taking meds so you should really get that checked I hope it helped

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