Does HIV/aids Lay Dormant In A Person's Body For A Certain Amount Of Years, Without Being Noticed?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, HIV after transmission can become positive in blood test after 3-12 weeks and rarely in 6 months. Initial symptoms of HIV appear after 3-12 weeks which are mistaken for flu or general illness. Then HIV can become dormant for many years depending upon condition of immune system. This dormant period can be from 2 years to 20 years. After this AIDS symptoms appear.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, up to 5 to 10 years, just depends on how fast the virus spreads through out the body
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is a logical problem here: If a person is HIV positive and on the antiretroviral drugs how do they know that he/she is not just one of those who live with the virus naturally without symptoms?
For 25 years the doctors have said that there is a “dormancy period”, sometimes very long, between infection with the virus and the appearance of the actual AIDS diseases.
If someone is “living with HIV” how do they know that the drugs are doing anything at all? How do they know that the person on the (very expensive) drugs is not just in the “dormancy period”?
Mrs Ellis Profile
Mrs Ellis answered
Yes it can for up to ten years. The virus imitates other blood cells. So it attacks the body silently. Get tested and have your partner to get tested too but still use protection.

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